Monday, January 21, 2013

And Here We Go . . .

I'm trying to start with simple pins to start with.  And, hopefully ones where I already have the majority of the supplies on hand somewhere in that scary basement craft area.

A little background . . . I love to bake and can.  They are two of my favorite things.

So, the pin that suggested putting your cupcake papers in a mason jar to keep them from getting crushed was a no-brainer when I saw it.  Can't imagine why I never thought of it on my own.

What You'll Need:

1 Wide Mouth Quart Canning Jar
1 Lid & Ring To Match The Jar
Cupcake Papers.

Time it took me to do this: (including finding the jar & lid) 3 minutes.

1.  Put your cupcake papers into a clean wide-mouth quart canning jar.
2.  Put lid & ring on jar.
3.  Put with all of your other baking needs.


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